The Car Cover at the Top of the Hill

When I was a kid I lived for the summertime as does most kids. Not only for the break from what I thought was the stresses of school, homework, and teacher. Freedom, summertime was freedom. Me, my bicycle, and an open road to Grandpa’s house. For the majority of my childhood that is the place where I longed to be, all summer long. It was a place of peace, tranquility, and Grannies oatmeal cookies. Not just any oatmeal cookies but an unlimited source of the most delicious buttery oatmeal cookies you’ve ever laid on your pallet. It wasn’t a long ride on my 10 speed to Grandpa’s house. I would turn right out of our neighborhood and pedal as fast as my legs would take me. Heading west toward Deertrack road the road would take a slight bend left just before the road turned to dirt.

From there I knew I was closing in on my favorite fishing hole. I would usually stop off and fish for an hour or so before heading toward the oatmeal cookies. Once I passed the soybeans and cornfields I had one last hill to climb before I could see Grandpa’s house. As I crested the top of the hill I could see Grandpa’s 55 Chevy sitting out in front of the house with the car cover on it. It was a sight that I had looked forward to all summer long. The car cover was one of the original car covers with the custom embroidery of Grandpa's initials and the two 5’s to let everyone know of the beauty that lied beneath.

Every Saturday and Sunday afternoon Grandpa would pull the car cover off and take me and Grandma for a ride. Well, I’m all grown up now and am now responsible for caring for that beautiful 55 Chevy. Grandpa passed away last year and one of the last instructions he gave me was to be sure to keep a quality car cover on that sweet ride of his. You see that car had been titled to him from the time it was brand new. I will always keep it covered with a quality car cover. That is why I chose the best of all of the car covers in my opinion. The Noah by Covercraft Industries. I have purchased two of them over the years and the kind folks from Car Cover World are always happy to help whenever I have questions or need something. Thanks, guys, Grandpa would be thankful.